Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Harold et Kumar Chassent Le Burger

We finally saw "Harold & Kumar go to White Castle" this weekend on cable. As I recall, this was the big buzz "Snakes on a Plane" movie of 2004, but the reviews were mixed and it came and went pretty quickly.

'Tis a very silly movie -- two stoners struggle to satisfy a craving for White Castle burgers -- but good for a laugh. In fact, Kumar's "love story" montage in the second half of the movie is worth the price of admission all by itself.

Anyway, Lorin was wondering how European releases dealt with the fact that White Castle is virtually unknown outside the United States. In answer, I found the following translated titles:

UK: "Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies"
France: "Harold et Kumar Chassent le Burger" (Harold & Kumar Chase the Burger)

I think a little something gets lost in translation.


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