Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Not Angry Enough For Print?

I wrote a letter to the SJ Mercury News in response to another letter taking a "whaddaya gonna do" attitude toward out-sourcing. The Merc didn't print my letter, but did post it on their "additional letters" web page where it might be read by as many as two or three people.

Here's what I wrote:
"I'm sick to death of hearing that `outsourcing is here to stay so we better get used to it` and that the answer is to get more people studying science and engineering. Newsflash: young people have zero incentive to study science and engineering without the prospect of good jobs waiting for them after graduation. Outsourcing exists because of policies that encourage greedy, short-sighted business executives to favor short-term revenue over the long-term economic health of their community. These policies are not written in stone, but can and will change when middle-class Americans demand that their government put their interests ahead of corporate interests."